
To explore light as architecture and projection vis-a-vis dimensional transformation in a personal investigation (written about in an essay for Hans Ibelings).


1.1 Arctic Render.jpg


Later expanded upon as the catalyst for an ontological analysis regarding the nature of the visual transformations inherent to architecture. Featured in The Phantom Freaky, an independent film series, projecting over a scene to signify depth through disorientation.


Many architectural analyses investigate the intended or even adapted states of architectures after their intended use. However, most analyses relate post-architecture to a past state. Removing the temporal coordinate from its description by analysis of post-architecture as "architecture that was" as opposed to "object that is" downgrades 4 dimensional architecture to 3 dimensions, robbing the object of its full description.

Curved Worldlines

On a curved worldline, architecture interacts with macro- environmental effects, such as weather and large-scale environmental changes.

The storm is causing tortion and weakness in the structure, while the building affects the shape of the wind patterns and rain distribution around it.